My mother had something to do with my interest in and love for furniture. She left this world many years ago, but the things I learned from her left an indelible mark on me. She loved furniture and all things household---A true home economics gal!
I became interested in furniture in my late teens. Our grandparents, who lived in Germany, would send magazines and furniture catalogs to my mother. One in particular, inspired me to follow the path in furniture design. I had never seen a catalog that big in all directions. It inspired me in many ways, and I kept it for years, hauling it across two countries. That’s how important it was for me.

In my early years working as a furniture designer for a large company, my mother had me design furniture for their main house and also for their tiny summer cottage in the country. Solid wood was the norm. Long-lasting furniture. I know my Mom had fun and enormous pride seeing my work as it developed. She liked custom designed furniture that was just right for the house, especially for those odd places.
I have fond memories of furniture at my parents house. I wish I had kept one or two pieces.

This is an excerpt of Old furniture tells stories, a previous post that speaks to what I’m writing about here:
“To this day, the memories of my parents’ house and their furniture are still vivid: my mothers’ secretary where she wrote letters to her mother and to me while I was studying abroad and “secretly” kept lots of chocolate bars in one of the drawers; the Thonet chair replica I bought when I got my first job and used at my desk”.

Memories live on. Happy Mother’s Day, Mom.
Thanks for reading.
I don't monitor this post, but feel free to contact me with questions or comments at gina@furniturerestyler.com